European Left

The Brief: European Left - a closer look

Why the “Conservative Left” is on the Rise in Europe

Peace and Social Justice! The LEFT's Plan for Europe

2024: A Year of Action and Unity for the European Left

What’s Behind the Decline of the European Left?

European Left Divided Over Brexit

Can the European Left Save Itself?

European Left party splits as new group eyes new central and eastern countries

Interview with Alexis Tsipras - 4th European Left Congress

Challenges of the New European Left (8:30)

Walter Baier (European Left) on housing policies at the European level

European Left ahead of new challenges

Closing session - 6th Congress of the European Left Party

European United Left/Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) (2014-2019) | EU Elections 2019 | Europe Elects

Message of support to the European Left Party by Jeremy Corbyn

Vänsterpartiet | Left Party | Europe Elects

Closing video - 4th European Left Congress

European Left Face Waning Public Support | WION World DNA

Greece: Europe Moves to the Left | European Journal

Rafael Correa message to the European Left Party

Syriza Succeeds in Greece by Challenging European Left's Approach to Reform

Biden versus Trump: Lessons for the European Left

Jaromir Kohlíček greeting to 4th European Left Congress

Toward a European Left Strategy of Building a Socialist Alternative